Residents of The Landings HOA (Nov 4th, 2023)
New locks have been installed on the resurfaced tennis and pickleball courts.
If you would like to obtain a key, please visit to the Bay West Management office or send in your payment and the key will be sent to your property. The fee for the key is $25.oo made payable to The Landings HOA and refundable when the key is returned.
Please forward this notice to your tenants and see the attached rules that are posted at the pickleball court.
No Pets are permitted on the courts at any time.
Be respectful of the courts, nets and fence.
Please close the lock once you leave.
Thank you,
Bay West Management on behalf of The Landings Board of Directors
Residentes de The Landings HOA
Se han instalado nuevas cerraduras en las canchas de tenis y pickleball repavimentadas.
Si desea obtener una llave, visite la oficina de Bay West Management o envíe su pago y la llave se enviará a su propiedad. La tarifa de la llave es de $ 25.oo pagadera a The Landings HOA y reembolsable cuando se devuelve la llave.
Por favor, envíe este aviso a sus inquilinos y vea las reglas adjuntas que se publican en la cancha de pickleball.
No se permiten mascotas en las canchas en ningún momento.
Sea respetuoso con las canchas, las redes y la cerca.
Por favor, cierre la cerradura una vez que se vaya.
Bay West Management en nombre de la Junta Directiva de The Landings